What do we offer at Rapid Results?

Rapid Results provides services that assist organisations develop their staff to reach their professional potential. With expertise in people development, the team at Rapid Results are experienced at delivering training to achieve rapid and sustainable results to bring positive change.

It is our belief that having the right people in an organisation is a major key to success.

A common challenge facing all companies is how to consistently get the best out of their employees.

A happy worker is a productive worker applies to all employees at every level. There is no doubt low wage workers are often the bedrock of any business. Without them many businesses would cease to function effectively.

If a company is failing to meet the needs of its minimum wage workers, automatically the credibility of the rest of the business is called into question.


  • We offer a COMPLIMENTARY, no obligation initial analysis into your curren operation
  • Identify the pain points and plan a set of practical solutions to overcome them
  • Assist and advise existing Supervisors / Managers / Directors
  • Tailor a customised programme designed to get the best out of your team
  • Deliver high quality, interactive training
  • Give a 100% guarantee to reach agreed outcomes
  • Provide 3 months on-going support at the completion of the training


The process

The initial analysis of an existing business is a painless one and mainly involves observation of the current operation and questions around the following areas:

  • Employee selection process
  • Employment contract & Job description
  • Induction programme
  • On-going support of employees
  • Review process
  • Attrition rate
  • Exit interviews
  • Absenteeism
  • Complaints procedure
  • Disciplinary process
  • Ongoing staffing issues

From this information collected any recommendations will be outlined for the organisation.


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Desired Outcomes

The Workforce Excellence programme offers practical, logical, easy to understand and implement strategies that are based on years of REAL experience.

We will focus on:

  • Reducing staff turnover
  • Reducing absenteeism
  • Motivating staff
  • Building a cohesive and productive team
  • Working with a diverse workforce
  • Developing employee engagement
  • Ensuring teams are well supported and clear on their obligations
  • Encourage loyalty and longevity in new team members
  • Operational excellence

The programme may include:

  • Assisting in the selection of staff
  • Inducting new team member
  • Mentoring
  • Review of current processes


Tony Burnet

Prior to buying Rapid Results Tony had over 25 years running his own company with up to 150 staff. During that time, he was committed to ongoing training with his staff. He recruited staff off-shore through NZ Immigration for many years and has a keen understanding of moulding a team from diverse backgrounds.

Tony has over 25 years of hands on experience working with lower wage employees. The majority of his teams came from different ethnicities, religions, levels of education, and often with English as a second language. Tony took pride in building cohesive and productive teams by using practical strategies in both the initial selection process and ongoing coaching.

He is a strong advocate of thorough initial training and continuous building of capability for all staff. As a result, he improved their effectiveness in the workplace while aiding their personal development.

He found that training ultimately enhanced the business, acted as a retention tool to lessen staff turnover, and enabled them to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

Tony continues to delight in working with a team of experienced and dedicated facilitators who bring a wealth of knowledge to the New Zealand market. Their areas of expertise in training delivery cover all aspects of customer service, sales, debt collection, team leadership, team building and communication skills. The Facilitators provide practical insights and skills for leaders and teams to dramatically improve their performance across a variety of industries.

Tony is very receptive to new ideas and training methods and encourages this with his team of Facilitators.