Virtual Workshop - Managing a Remote Staff

Aim: This course aims to promote a high performing and team-oriented culture, whilst providing the best tips for managing staff remotely.

Delivery: We will use the Zoom platform to deliver this workshop in a virtual classroom environment.

· Limited numbers

· Breakout sessions for discussion & practise

· Fully interactive with participants & facilitator

· Reference material

· 3 months support

DATES: Tuesday 19th May & Friday 22nd May

TIME: 9am – 12noon


  • Understand how people respond to change (especially if remote working is new to them!) and how to support them to make the change & tap into their motivation
  • Identify the ways long-distance managers sabotage their own/ teams’ success & how to avoid this
  • Understand that your Coaching skills are more valuable than your Management skills, including:

a) What is coaching?

b) The origins of coaching

c) Using the SCORE model to coach:

  • When a team member identifies an issue (how to get them to self-coach)
  • When you need to give some developmental feedback to address an issue
  • Understand the role that language plays, when communicating remotely. Learn how to communicate descriptively, instead of evaluatively
  • Get the best results from your remote staff, by:

a. Providing ‘line of sight’ so they know how they matter and contribute

b. Managing by objectives: Setting expectations, goals and metrics with an employee so (s)he has role clarity

c. Listening effectively

d. The power of positive feedback, to tap into motivation


$440 + GST

This course is registered under the NZTE Capability Voucher Scheme and you may be eligible for funding of up to 50% of the cost up to a maximum of $5,000. Please contact us for details, or visit this link to register your company: ess/SelfRegister


Option 1: Click the “Enroll Now” button above and pay online. Once we receive your payment confirmation, we will send you an email for the next steps.

Option 2: Email to get more details or if you want to learn more about how you can get 50% of the cost paid for through Regional Business Partners.

Option 3: Call us at (09) 447 1994 to get more information about the workshop.