IT’S December!
Well we’ve officially made it to that time of year again – the season to be jolly!! While it’s a bit scary how quickly the year has flown past, we can’t help but be happy it’s finally the silly season! For our final newsletter for 2017, we want to thank all of our fantastic clients for another great year of working together, and remind you that the best time to prepare for 2018 is NOW!
2017 has seen us build a fantastic base of new clients – as well as continue training our wonderful current ones! Hearing of the changes we can help make in your workplace, as well as the confidence and skills grown in those completing any of our classroom training or NZQA qualifications is the reason we are in business, so please keep it coming! We hope 2018 will bring another fantastic year of helping people and organisations to reach their professional potential.
To help you get a head start on this, we’ve organized our public courses for 2018 up to the end of April, so you can easily plan training into your year – and know you’re on top of things when January rolls around! Oh and just in case you need any more reason to, we are offering 10% OFF ANY COURSE that is invoiced and paid before December 20th, 2017.
Go on…you know you want to…
We will be running this course on Wednesday 6th December at the Rose Park Hotel in Auckland.
Oh… and did we mention there will be CHRISTMAS CAKE and CHRISTMAS CRACKERS for all??? Sold!
If you would like any more information, or to register for this fantastic workshop, contact us here.

Thursday 8th: Un-Goal Setting: Planning Your 2018 (1-day course – AUCKLAND)
Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th: Team Leader (2-day course – AUCKLAND)
Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th: Team Leader (2-day course – HAMILTON)
Thursday 13th, Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15th: Train The Trainer (3-day course – AUCKLAND)
Wednesday 29th: Customer Service (1-day course – AUCKLAND
Thursday 5th: Personality Types & Communication (1-day course – CHRISTCHURCH)
Tuesday 10th: Managing Multiple Priorities (1-day course – AUCKLAND)
Lego is a tool that we consistently integrate into our training programmes – and there’s one reason for this. It works. Not only that, but it is enjoyable, encourages creativity and confidence, and a lot of the time it doesn’t even feel like training! Given the huge success we have had with this tool, we have decided to extend the use of it into SCHOOLS! Read all about it here…
Please remember… If you have any questions about any training you would like either to squeeze in this year, or for 2018, or are even after a more general discussion about how we can help you we are always more than happy to have a chat! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here for an obligation-free discussion about any soft skills training you think would be beneficial to you or your team, and we will see what we can do!!
Or you can call us on (09) 447 1994 for any other information.
If you’ve ever thought about enrolling in an online NZQA Qualification, now is a fantastic time! With everyone going away at various times over the Christmas break, the flexibility of an online course is perfect for this time of year. PLUS… we have just launched our BRAND NEW platform, which some of our courses are already on. Exciting stuff!!
We have a number of qualifications available online, suitable for all kinds of levels and stages. We have the following courses available;
- Credit Administration (Level 3)
- Credit Management (Level 4)
- Introduction to Team Leadership (Level 3)
- New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres (Level 3)
ALL of our NZQA courses come with 7 day a week support – so we’re always just an e-mail or phone call away if you’re stuck and need a hand with anything!
If you would like more information about any of the above courses, or you would like to chat about anything related to enrolling in and completing an NZQA Qualification, either visit our website, or contact us here.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Remember to take a break and recharge over the Christmas period – it is a time to relax!! Like this guy…

Thanks for being such a great audience this year – the team at Rapid Results wishes you a very safe and happy holiday! See you back here in January for a fantastic 2018! 🙂

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