And THAT means we can now say Christmas is officially next month.
Now there’s a scary thought. With the end of the year looming so close and 2018 just around the corner, now is a fantastic time to take a minute and reflect on 2017 – and think ahead to what you want to achieve in the coming year. Despite being bombarded by Christmas parties around every corner (yay) and a lot of work deadlines (not so yay), during this busy time we want to help you make a head start on the new year.
We have decided to squeeze in one more public workshop into December and it’s quite a topical one at this time of the year. ‘Reflect, Dream and Aim High’ is our newly-developed workshop where the focus is on YOU. The day will provide a great opportunity for you to reflect on the highs and lows of the past year, and use these to set goals and aspirations for 2018 in both your work and personal life. If there was ever a time to get ahead and start getting your ducks in a row for 2018, it’s now!
We will be running this course on Wednesday 6th December at the Rose Park Hotel in Auckland.
Oh… and did we mention there will be CHRISTMAS CAKE and CHRISTMAS CRACKERS for all??? Sold!
If you would like any more information, or to register for this fantastic workshop, contact us here.

Along with planning ahead for next year, now is a great time to start thinking about enrolling in one of our NZQA courses. Why, you ask? With many people heading away at various times over the Christmas/New Year period, it can be tricky to have everyone in one place at one time for a classroom training session. That’s why there is no better time to complete an online qualification than over this period, when you have a little extra time on your hands (in between stuffing the turkey and wrapping Christmas presents, of course…!).
We have a number of qualifications available online, suitable for all kinds of levels and stages. We have the following courses available;
Image result for online course
-Credit Administration (Level 3)
-Credit Management (Level 4)
-Adult Education (Level 4)
-Introduction to Team Leadership (Level 3)
-New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres (Level 3)
ALL of our NZQA courses come with 7 day a week support – so we’re always just an e-mail or phone call away if you’re stuck and need a hand with anything!
If you need any more convincing about why adding an online course qualification or two to your CV is a great idea, check out this blog on 3 reasons to complete an online qualification. It may just give you that extra little push of motivation you need to enroll!
If you would like more information about any of the above courses, or you would like to chat about anything related to enrolling in and completing an NZQA Qualification, either visit our website, or contact us here.

The end of the year is coming up very quickly – and unfortunately, so are the last of our public workshops for 2017. Be sure to read on below to find out what courses are still available to enrol for this year.
Given that all of our public workshops are held in Auckland, we often get queries about arriving late/leaving early to catch planes or beating the infamous Auckland traffic for people coming from out of town. Our fantastic Facilitators are more than happy to accommodate you as best they can, so if you’ve ever let distance be a road block in attending a course you have really wanted to, then it needn’t be anymore! Feel free to make contact if you have any questions about how we can make it work for you.
If you would like any more information for any of the courses below, or to register, e-mail Anna here
Our website is also a great place to find out more.
**DISCOUNT: There is a 10% discount offered to ALL CCINZ Members on ALL workshops. Just mention you’re a CCINZ member when you register and watch us bring that price down for you!
Wednesday 6th: Reflect, Dream & Aim High (1-day course)
As mentioned above, this is a brand new course we’ve decided to put together to see out what has been a fantastic year! In order to continue to grow (both professionally and personally), it is important to look in the rear-view mirror and see how far you’ve come, what went right and what might’ve gone wrong over the last year. Our workshop will help you do just that, as well as look ahead and plan for 2018. The green, blue and purple stars highlight just some of what will be covered over the day. Cool!

See below for our Public Workshop Calendar for the first few months of 2018! Our workshops are becoming so popular in Auckland, we thought we would extend them to other parts of the country. So far we have scheduled courses in Hamilton and Christchurch, but we are hoping to extend these to Wellington as well. If you missed out this year, or you’ve got some keen new staff eager to upskill then get ahead for next year and book them in today!
To register for ANY of the below courses, contact us here.
Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th: Team Leader – AUCKLAND (2-day course)
Thursday 6th & Wednesday 7th: Team Leader – HAMILTON (2-day course)
Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th: Train The Trainer – AUCKLAND (3-day course)
Tuesday 20th: Customer Service – AUCKLAND (1-day course)
Thursday 5th: The Art of Effective Communication – CHRISTCHURCH (1-day course)
Tuesday 10th: Managing Multiple Priorities – AUCKLAND (1-day course)
Please remember… If you have any questions about any training you would like, or are even after a more general discussion about how we can help you, we are always more than happy to have a chat! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here for an obligation-free discussion about any soft skills training you think would be beneficial to you or your team, and we are more than happy to help!
Or you can call us on (09) 447 1994 for any other information.
Here’s to a productive November for all – see you next month!

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