Competition is ever present – if we don’t look after our customers then someone else will!
But how do I do this? What is Customer Service?
We all know poor customer service when we experience it. We’re kept waiting – either in a queue or on the phone. Our toes are tapping before the conversation starts. And then the representative appears very casual, too casual even.
If a customer or client is approaching my business, then we are surely over half way to a sale! Great news so let’s get enthusiastic, be delighted to talk with them, listen to what they are needing.
It’s not rocket science at all. So why do some staff struggle to warmly greet and talk with potential or existing clients?
Is it their attitude that needs changing, or is it that they don’t actually know why and how they fit into my business? Are they unaware of how crucial their role is to the success of the business? Are they lacking the skills of quickly building rapport and the use of positive language to tell clients what we CAN do for them?

If this is a problem for your business? Please give me a call on 09 447 1994 or email carolyn@rapidresults.co.nz. We can meet at no obligation to discuss your particular needs and some solutions!
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