Fitting In

“Glad he’s gone – he just didn’t fit in.” Ouch – not a nice legacy when leaving a company. But who’s actually responsible for having team members “fit”? Inductions need to entail more than contracts, introductions, and technical training. New people need to know why...

Retaining New Knowledge

I love, love, love reading books! Poring through beautifully illustrated pages, nodding in agreement over a well-worded sentence, and lots of internal messages of “I must remember that”. Wait a few days and…. Nothing! I haven’t retained the information that so excited...

The Role of Customer Service

Competition is ever present – if we don’t look after our customers then someone else will! But how do I do this? What is Customer Service? We all know poor customer service when we experience it. We’re kept waiting – either in a queue or on the phone. Our toes are...

Using the Right Brain

Businesses need their staff to continually change and develop to ensure ongoing success. Lecturing, telling, and instructing alone are not effective to ensure learning.   Most people are reluctant to change, as an innate process called homeostasis works to keep...